Earning money from rNFTs
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Because we care about KYC and want to see responsible owners who share the values of open and decentralized science, fractions of rNFT can't be traded until the transaction is recorded on the MetaDesci platform. This is vital. Once the research is finished, there are a few different methods to make money:
The MetaDesci platform communicates with influential people all across the globe, some of whom may be interested in purchasing data from the experiment. The customer submits a bid to acquire the data, and owners of rNFT have the ability to vote according to the fractions they possess. The revenue gained from the sales is then partitioned into fractions in accordance with rNFT.
The MetaDesci platform grants license to third parties to use intellectual property that was generated using data. Revenue is generated for the community of rNFT owners via the payment of annual license fees.
Following the best practices of Web3, each of the three scenarios mentioned above is open and transparent.