When a scientist or university proposes an experiment on the MetaDesci platform, an rNFT is minted and fractionalized; those who invest in the experiment, users who donate data for the experiment can then buy these fractions which can later be exchanged in major cryptocurrency exchanges for other cryptocurrencies.

Following successful completion of the qualification, each investor, donor will get rNFT, which will then be sent to their respective wallets. rNFT may be used as evidence to demonstrate that its owner took part in a particular experiment and is thus eligible to get a reward for their efforts. Each rNFT that is sent to the wallet of a participant contains information on the associated percentage of probable revenue. rNFT is connected to the data from experiments as well as patent applications that are based on these experiments. Additionally, the purchase of rNFTs will be supported by all of the main cryptocurrency exchanges. One of the main advantages of using rNFTs is that small and medium-sized investors can both participate in rNFT-funded experiments. Investors might now own multiple researches without investing in just one. This boosts market liquidity since trading high-value items is difficult.

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